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Electro-voice QRX-153/75B (15-inch 3-way, 75° x 50° asymmetrical HF with DH7, asymetrical MF horn with 8-inch cone, biamp only, flying, black)

Original price was: ₹403,344.00.Current price is: ₹403,044.00.

8-inch MF horn loaded for 75o x 50o pattern
control to 500 Hz
• 3-inch DH7 HF compression driver
• 15-inch DL15 woofer is loaded into vented
• Asymmetric MF and HF horns have
+15o / -35o
• RMDTM – Ring-Mode Decoupling for vocals
and mids with superb fidelity at any listening
• The EV P1202 Precision Series Amplifier and
M153 module are designed to power the
QRx153 perfectly
• L-track rigging is installed on top and
bottom of the enclosure



The QRx153/75 is a biamped three-way full-range
loudspeaker system capable of filling performance spaces
with beautifully balanced audio and high acoustic output
The QRx153 is designed to be bi-amplified at 500 Hz utilizing
a DX38 digital controller, or a P1202 power amplifier with
M153 control module. All QRx models use 13 ply plywood,
EVCoatTM finish, and steel grilles for wear and weather
resistance. The QRx153 is trapezoidal with 15o side angles.
“L” track rigging is installed on the enclosure top and bottom.
Small arrays can be flown for live work, or the system can be
suspended horizontally or vertically for fixed installations.
Thanks to its combination of the DL15ST woofer and large
enclosure volume; the horn-loaded 8-inch midrange driver
and powerful 3-inch compression driver, the EV QRx153/75
has extended response for high-level, high fidelity applications
without the need of a subwoofer. The horn-loaded midrange
driver provides excellent pattern control in this critical
response area. Both MF and HF horns are aimed downward
to provide optimal aiming when the speaker is elevated
above the audience. This also helps control sound to provide
greater intelligibility.
The QRx153/75 has an excellent combination of performance
and flexibility for demanding audiences

Technical Specifications:
F :)Bd01-(egnaR.qer Hk02-zH24 z
F :)Bd3-(esnopseR.qer Hk61-zH05 z
gnildnaHrwPmreTgnoL 1 : H/FMW051/FLW004 F
gnildnaHrwPmreTtrohS 1 : H/FMW006/FLW0061 F
S :)m1/W1(ytivitisne H/FMBd501/FLBd89 F
I :ecnadepm H/FMsmho21/FLsmho8 F
M :tuptuOLPS.claC.xa 1@Bd031 m
H :egarevoClatnoziro 57 °
V :egarevoClacitre °53nwoD,°51pU(°05 )
L :revossorCFMotF H005 z
P :.qerFrevossorCevissa Hk2.1 z
L :recudsnarTF S51LDhcni-51 T
M :srecudsnarTFH/F Hhcni-37HD/FMhcni-88FM F
:erusolcnE iozeparT citlaB)mm81(ylp-31lad
S :noisnepsu gnittifarcnA/wkcarT-L s
C :srotcenno ‘4LNnokaepSkirtueN)2( s
Q :IDdna .01=ID/21=Q 8
R :rellortnoCdednemmoce 3xD 8
G :ellir ekcabcirbaF,leetSdetaoCredwoP d
D :ni)DxWxH(mi 21.91x”4.81x”5.14 ”
D :mm)DxWxH(mi m584xmm764xmm4501 m
N :thgieWte gk90.44(sbl79 )
S :thgieWgnippih gk27.74(sbl501 )